Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Kesser Maariv Anshe Luknik - Programs and Shiurim
Programs and Shiurim (Classes/Lectures)
Sunday Morning at 9:45 am: Parsha Class in the weekly Sedra.Given by Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik.
Wednesday Evenings before Mincha shiur in Gemara Brachos
Given by Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky
Shabbat Afternoon, One hour before Mincha (90 minutes before sundown): Parsha Shiur or Pirkei Avot Shiur
Given by Rabbi Louis Lazovsky
Day Care*
Youth Group*
Mitzvah Corps
Youth Minyan
Teen Minyan
Junior Congregation
Music Program & Choir*
Midos/Morality Program
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training
Learning Resource Center
Museum Program for Children*
Chevrusa - Study Partner Program
- Sunday Educational Brunch Program
- Father/Son Learning
- Father/Son Sports League*
Religious Education Computer Center*
Send-A-Kid-To-Israel-Partnership (S.K.I.P.)
* Programs currently in formation
Adult Jewish Learning Classes
Beit Hamusar
- Dedicated by Rabbi Meyer Juzint in memory of his family who perished at the hands of the Nazis.
- Past shiurim included: Messilat Yesharim, Shaarei Teshuva, Kuzari, Drush Ohr Hachayim by the Tiferes Yisrael on the Immortality of the Soul, Rambam's Iggeret Techiyat Hameitim.
Chevrusa - Study Partner Program
Sunday Educational Brunch Program
Kesser Maariv Press (a publishing house)
Inter-generational Program
Institute of Contemporary Jewish Life (see below)
"Chosin - Groom" & "Kallah - Bride" Classes
Lance and Rebecca Malamud Reference Library
Max Katz o.b.m. Learning Resource Center
Audio Cassette Torah Tape Lending Library
Digital Audio Torah Shiur Lending Library
Digital Video Torah Shiur Lending Library
Pirkei Avot Classes
Parshat Hashavua - Weekly Torah Portion Class
Adele Goldblum Womens' Council Learning Sessions and Activities
- The Women's Council is dedicated in memory of Mrs. Adele Goldblum z"l by her family.
Dinner Night
Women's Week of Learning (before Tisha B'Av)
Book Reviews
Guest Speakers
Knitting Group (KMnitters)
Soviet Outreach Program Family-To-Family Program
Tehilla Religious Aliyah Lectures
Scholar-In-Residence Shabbaton Program
Programs in Formation
Bookstore and Gift Shop
Daf Yomi - Daily Folio of Talmud
Israel Missions Program
Israel Information Center
Traveling Exhibits
Oneg Shabbat
The Institute is an adjunct to the activities of the congregation, and will expand to respond to the needs of the community. Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik, directs the activities of the institute. A brief sampling of selected courses that have been offered include: Medical Ethics
Parachaplain Training
Gemarah - Talmud
Tanach - Bible
Jewish History
Hebrew Language Instruction
Israel Studies
In October 2011, Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik discussed lessons from the life of his father, Harav Hagaon Ahron Halevi Soloveichik, on his 10th yahrzeit. His shiur was simulcast live in Jerusalem.
Some of our guests at Kesser Maariv:
Pictures of Past Events

Rabbi Aharon Rakeffet, Professor of Rabbinic Literature at Yeshiva University's Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Institute in Jerusalem and beloved teacher of many thousands of students, was our Scholar-in-Residence in November 2012. At an Oneg Shabbat he discussed "The Post-Holocaust Miracle: The Baal Teshuva Movement." At the Melave Malka he spoke about "The Long Hand of the Mossad: The Revival of Russian Jewry," and that speech is available online at
Rabbi J. David Bleich, professor of Talmud (Rosh Yeshiva) at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, head of its postgraduate institute for the study of Talmudic jurisprudence and family law and Herbert and Florence Tenzer Professor of Jewish Law and Ethics at Cardozo Law School, was the guest speaker at our 2008 JUF Brunch. He discussed End of Life issues, as the Terry Schiavo case was in the news at the time.
Rabbi Avisha David, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Torah Shraga in Jerusalem and Rav, Beit Knesset Torani Leumi in Beit Shemesh, spoke in 2010 on ___ and in 2011 on __
Well-known author Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz presented "Why People are Dangerous," a survey of medieval positions on the interaction of Free Will (bechira) and Divine Supervision (hashgacha) for our 2009 JUF Brunch.
Syndicated Radio Talk Show Host Michael Medved spoke at Kesser Maariv in 2007 and 2008.
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine, Chairman, Department of Economics, Yeshiva University, addressing the Congregation at the 2007 JUF Brunch. Rabbi Dr. Levine discussed "Milton Friedman and the Free Market vs. Halacha," in which he compared Friedman's opinion on the military draft and vouchers for education with the view of Halacha on these issues.
Rabbi Dr. Don Well addressing the Congregation before Selichot, 2006: "A Season For All Men" sponsored by the Lazovsky family on the 50th yahrzeit of their son, brother and uncle, Martin B. Lazovsky.
Rabbi Yisrael Lau, former Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel and currently Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, visited Kesser Maariv in 2005.